Ziro India
Best Session
October - June
Ideal Duration
Naharalagun (100 kms)
Major Airports
Tezpur, Guwahati
17.45 ° C
Weather Type
The Aptanis are warm and resourceful people. They have, for centuries, practiced ecologically sustainable agricultural practices for sustenance. Unlike other tribes in the Arunachal Pradesh, and perhaps in the country, the Aptanis do not use slash and burn methods of shifting or Jhoom cultivation, where the land is burned and reused after several seasons of abundance. The Aptanis have permanent paddy cultivation in specific areas. The cultivation is in wetland areas and not in burned, dry areas. The UNESCO website describes the Ziro Valley as a living example of how people and the environment have coexisted harmoniously without being affected by the modernization of the changing world. 

While most tribes of Arunachal Pradesh practice Buddhism, the Aptanis continue their ancient ways of worshipping nature. Their strong beliefs and customs make respect for the environment a part of their lifestyle. The Aptanis are also known for how their society functions through a traditional system of village councils called bulyan. The council rarely punishes the tribespeople for wrongdoing; rather, they work by advising and guiding to ensure that everyone works for the good of the community.  The people in the Ziro valley live in traditional bamboo houses on stilts.

The food you get here is basic and local. No restaurants are serving North Indian or Western food. Rice, pork, bamboo shoots, meat barbecued in bamboo, lettuce salads, and fermented pickles are the staples. If you like to experiment, you can eat frogs, silkworms, and rat meat. Apong, a potent fermented rice beer served in bamboo cups, is the beverage of choice.

The best way to explore the Ziro valley is to stroll along with the villages or hire a motorcycle and go around. You will see friendly Aptani men and women busy at work, weaving clothes, or making baskets.

You could visit the Talley Valley Wildlife Sanctuary, which contains almost half of the flora and fauna found in India. There are wild mushrooms, thick pine forests, rhododendrons, and babbling streams along the way. It is home to bears and clouded leopards.
The Donyi Polo shrine is the place of worship for the Apis. They worship nature and their ancestors with ethereal chants

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